The first copulation took place that day. Ozzie came into the nest where BEL stood. As he came in she began calling softly, dropping her head and raising her rump. Ozzie clumsily mounted her, instinc tively clenching his talons into fists so as not to hurt her. It was a ritual mating and did not result in fertilization. It was all to do with strengthening the pair bond. Over the next few days they would mate frequently, always on the nest, and often after Ozzie had brought in a fish or some nest material. 
The nest was 24 metres above the ground and twelve years old. Ozzie was its second male tenant. Every year the resident Osprey pair had repaired and added to it and now it was a massive structure over 140cm wide and 170cm deep. Its foundations were firm and solidly compressed. It had withstood eleven winters gales without moving. BEL spent most of her time at the nest now, with Ozzie providing new nesting materials and food. BEL collected the nest lining of bark, moss and soft grasses.

On the morning of the 25th April BEL sat for long periods in the nest cup. Ozzie came in with a fish but was warned off. He took the fish to a nearby tree and sat for a while. BEL fidgeted on the nest a little then sat some more. After a while Ozzie again took the fish to the nest. This time he was greeted with soft calls. As he landed BEL took the fish and  flew to a nearby tree to eat it. In the cup of the nest was a large oval white egg, blotched with reddish brown around one end. Over the next four days BEL laid two more eggs,  each two days apart. BEL rarely left the nest, and instead settled into the routine of incubation. Ozzie continued to provide all the food, and when not hunting sat in his now favourite tree keeping a low profile and a sharp lookout. Activity round the nest all but ceased. He no longer displayed over the nest site, even when other Ospreys flew by,  anxious not to draw unwanted attention.

On hot days BEL would sit on the nest with bill open, panting, but normally it was overcast or raining, and BEL would sit low in the nest, head drawn into her shoulders as the  raindrops covered her back. When Ozzie brought in food BEL would take it to her feeding tree or stay at the nest. Ozzie would cover the eggs whilst she ate.

Ospreys usually lay three eggs into a nest cup 80cm in diameter. Each egg measures 62 x 46 mm and weighs 72 grams. They are white with reddish brown spots and blotches. Ospreys lay an egg every two or three days and start incubating as soon as the first egg is laid. They take 37-40 days to hatch.